advent day three
readings: Isaiah 63:16-64:7; 1 Corinthians 1:3-9; Mark 13:33-37
how are you waiting?
when you read the passage in 1 corinthians & contrast it with the one from the gospel of mark, you notice that there are two very different types of waiting going on. in 1 corinthians, paul speaks of 'eagerly' waiting for Jesus to be revealed. while in mark, Jesus talks about a less than eager type of waiting. waiting when you're tired. waiting when it's dark and you cannot see anything. waiting when you're tired of waiting.
the reality is that we can wait both ways for the same thing. sometimes it's easy to start out eagerly waiting for something, hoping that it's right around the corner. and then days go by. then weeks. somehow it becomes years, and still we find ourselves waiting. it's easy at this point to think that if it hasn't happened yet, then the probability of it happening today isn't very likely, so we decide to not watch. to not keep guard.
we humans can be entirely too fickle with anything that isn't right in front of our faces. if we are not constantly reminded of something, we have a grave tendency to simply forget it... and then believe that if we forgot it, then God must have forgotten it as well, so it really doesn't matter if we are waiting and being faithful where we are when we wait.
so i ask again, how are you waiting for whatever it is you are waiting for? are you waiting eagerly, or are you falling asleep, losing focus, forgetting the very thing on which you are waiting?
blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord.~proverbs 8:34-35